How not to feel alone when you travel alone

Allyson Jacobs
3 min readNov 4, 2020
Solo Travel

To Travel alone , what we call today Solo Travel is one of the travel experiences that I love the must when I just want to enjoy been by myself. I remember when I went to my first solo travel, at that moment I was passing through a breakout on which i was feeling so depressed, with my heart so broken, with a big pain in my chest, without energy to think about anything else, wondering if i would be able to get over this one and I just wanted to be alone, think about myself, recharge from this experience and from my day by day, think about where I was and where I wanted to be in terms of my life and have some days of social distancing.

My close friends and family didn’t believe that to travel was a good idea to feel better, they almost thought it was a waste of time and that it was better to stay around people based on what I was passing through, but i knew was God telling me that doing this was going to help me!! i didn’t know how but i knew that to travel alone was a good idea.

I still didn’t want to be depressed or sad in my trip. I really wanted to heal during that trip but by myself. I wanted to do whatever makes me feel happy and enjoy it the most.

During my trip there where moments on which I felt more lonely than ever because i wasn’t ok yet, but everytime I was remembering why I was there and what was my purpose. I was talking to myself internally all the time.

My Advice

When you travel solo do all what makes you feel happy. That’s the key!!! What I mean with that!!! If at day 1 you just want to stay in your room, watch movies, sleep all day, order food, listen to music, even to cry, If all of that will make you feel happy JUST DO IT and enjoy it without regret!!

Those days that you are going to be by yourself is for you!! Only do whatever makes you feel happy no matter the activity, those moments are just for you, enjoy making your own decisions, carrying your day with your own schedule, without any rush. Find tours that other people will go as well but still been by yourself and enjoying it.

No matter which situation you are facing when you do a Solo travel, have in mind why are you doing the trip, what was the purpose. Try to only do things that make you feel happy no matter what and just enjoy your happy moments. That’s the key. There is no need to feel alone when you do a Solo Travel if you focus on do the things that make you feel happy.

Speaking from my heart to you…



Allyson Jacobs

Just a girl that love to travel and live life the fullest, taking time to do what makes my soul happy !!